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South Florida Criminal Attorney
Free Case Evaluation 305-504-6655 | 305-542-9491

It's A Process

Aggressive Trial Attorney With a Reputation for Success

When you are arrested and charged with a crime, it is a process.

It will not simply go away.  The case does not get forgotten about.  It does not just disappear.  You will have to deal with it.

The timeframe is also not beholden to your wishes.  The case may be over quickly if the State determines there is insufficient evidence upon which to prosecute.  The case may take months, if not years, to resolve.

The point is, there is not much you can or should do to try to "speed things up."

When you are charged with a crime, time is your friend. Time to prepare; time for the case to develop. Time for your attorney to work out a great resolution or even push to get the case dismissed.

Wanting the process to be over with is human. We do not like bad things hanging over our heads. You want this ugliness out of your life. Believe me, I get it.

But your anxiety and need to have the case resolved comes second to getting you the right result. Bad decisions, quick decisions, and overall impatience may result in you accepting a bad plea deal or going to trial unprepared.

So please...if you are struggling with the mental health aspects of a criminal case (and it is very common for people under prosecution to be scared and anxious), then seek counseling.

For your attorney, it is imperative that he or she do what is necessary to work toward the best outcome that will not negatively impact you for the rest of your life.
