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South Florida Criminal Attorney
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The Length of A Criminal Investigation

Aggressive Trial Attorney With a Reputation for Success

It is natural when you are under criminal investigation to wonder, "How long will this last?"

It is only human to want a timeline.  Nobody likes uncertainty - especially when the possibility of facing a criminal charge is hanging over your head.

Truth is, a criminal investigation can last as long as the statute of limitations permits.  If facing a misdemeanor or felony investigation, the length of time of the investigation can - technically speaking - be as long as the law permits that charge to be prosecuted; starting from the time the crime is committed (or discovered), until the last eligible day for arrest or filing of criminal charges.

Most investigations take a few months - that is, generally speaking.  If the evidence is particularly strong, police may be ready to make an arrest within days of the initial report coming in.

If the evidence is weak or at least limited, the investigation will take longer as the detectives seek to locate witnesses and discover further evidence.

One of the best things an investigation subject can do when faced with a criminal investigation is to retain counsel and invoke their right to remain silent.

Think of this step as building an enormous wall of protection around you - where the police and prosecutors cannot touch you and use your own words as evidence upon which to prosecute you.

Truth is - investigations take time, and even though this may be mentally and emotionally taxing, the more time an investigation takes should be an indicator of the fact that the police do not yet have sufficient evidence upon which to arrest you.

A good attorney can do nothing for your mental health - that is a job best left to mental health professionals.

What a good attorney can do is prevent police from having access to you; serve as a liaison between the investigation and the client; and present the police with evidence that may be favorable to the accused. 

If you are under investigation - be it for a simple misdemeanor or a life felony - contact me to discuss representation.
