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South Florida Criminal Attorney
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Bench Warrants Last Forever

Aggressive Trial Attorney With a Reputation for Success

If you have ever missed a court date for a criminal matter in the State of Florida, a bench warrant (also called an alias capias or capias) will be issued.

It doesn't matter whether it's been a month, a year, or even thirty years - that warrant may still be outstanding.

Since the issuance of your bench warrant, it's possible that you no longer even live in Florida.  Or alternatively, perhaps you received a criminal citation or you were arrested in Florida and then returned home.

If you were ever issued a bench warrant in Florida and it was not set aside, chances are it is still active.

Bench warrants will come up in criminal background checks, and may prevent you from receiving employment, housing, and a number of government benefits.

Also, if the warrant is for a felony, you could possibly be taken into custody in your home state and extradited to Florida.  If a misdemeanor, you can be detained and arrested if located in the county in which the warrant was issued.

If you have a bench warrant in Florida - no matter how old - reach out to my office to discuss how to properly handle the matter.

Contact Attorney Eric Matheny to discuss your bench warrant.
