Miami-Dade County police will be out in full force during Thanksgiving weekend.
Miami-Dade Police are calling themselves the "Grinch Busters" for the next several weeks. Police said they are keeping an eye out on people who are unaware of their surroundings. Authorities are monitoring people carrying lots of shopping bags to their cars and then heading back inside the stores to shop. Authorities said that is the number one mistake shoppers make, which make them an easy target for thieves.
Police are urging shoppers to valet their cars at shopping malls as many crimes take place in parking lots. Purse-snatchings, which can be charged as robbery in Florida, can take place if shoppers are not carefully watching their belongings.
Police will also be on the lookout for suspected shoplifters. Shoplifting can constitute petit theft or grand theft, depending on the value of the item or items taken.